R1905-01 REBID Repair Parking Lots & Driveways-Troop C Headquarters

The work consists of removing pavement, milling, reconstruction, resurfacing, inlet adjusting, rehabilitation of sidewalk sections and curbs, curb modifications for lawn mower access, replacement of the sensing cable at security access, and all items incidental to the completion of work according to the plans and specifications.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date5/28/20 10:00am

Bid Date6/11/20 1:30pm

Company & Contacts

The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Terry Bruns  
(573) 526-5184


Weldon Springs, St. Charles County, MO

Documents can be ordered online or by contacting ADS at 1400 Forum Blvd, Suite 7A, Columbia, MO 65203, Ph: (573) 446-7768, Email: orders@adsmo.net. A hard copy set of documents is available for a refundable deposit of $30, CHECK ONLY, payable to ADS and a copy can be emailed to us before you mail them. A download is available for a purchase (non-refundable) of $30 that can be paid via credit card.

All bids should be submitted using Missouri Buys at THIS WEBSITE.