O1914-01 Repairs to Structure-Employment Security Central Office

The project includes removal, repair, and replacement of failing face brick at the eastern side of the main entrance to the building, installation of bearing plates at the eastern portion of the canopy wide flange beam, removal of existing low landscaping and mulch, fill holes, regrade for drainage from building, install new weed barrier, aluminum edging, landscape rock, and seed/straw for repair to grass areas damaged during construction. Extend existing east downspout underground, following slope, to an emitter. The project also includes two (2) alternates. Alternate 1 consists of a flat roof replacement for the entrance canopy and Alternate 2 consists of providing and installing an assortment of new landscaping plans in the front of the building.
Addendum #1 (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
O1914-01 Add #1 343.1 KB
Addendum #2 (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
O1914-01 Add #2 110.5 KB