M1904-01 Repair Paving, Infrastructure - Bellefontaine Habilitation Center

The project includes five (5) parking lots, access road improvements encompassing apartments 1600 and 1800/1900 series, driveway and sidewalk modifications, interior walking trail in apartments 1600 and 1800/1900 series along with rear sidewalk replacement and improvements to Quiet Land, Quiet Drive, and Village Park Lane. Alternates have been included as part of the stone wall rehabilitation along Bellefontaine Road.
Issued for Bid (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
00-Full PDF of Plans 52.9 MB
01-G-001_Cover Sheet and Location Map 906.2 KB
02-G-002_Sheet Layout Plan and General Notes 2.5 MB
03-G-003_Project Sequencing Plan 2.9 MB
04-G-004_Traffic Control Plan and Signage and Control Devices 2.4 MB
05-C-101_Parking Lot 1 Improvement and Marking Plans 1.9 MB
06-C-102_Parking Lot 2 Improvement and Marking Plans 2.3 MB
07-C-103_Parking Lot 3 Improvement Plan 3.2 MB
08-C-104_Parking Lot 3 Marking Plan and Profile and Sections 1.3 MB
09-C-105_Parking Lot 4 Improvement Plan 2.0 MB
10-C-106_Parking Lot 4 Marking Plan and Sections 1.9 MB
11-C-107_Parking Lot 5 Improvement and Marking Plans 2.3 MB
12-C-108_Roadway Improvement Plan 3.2 MB
13-C-109_Roadway Cross Sections 910.8 KB
14-C-110_Roadway Cross Sections 720.7 KB
15-C-111_Roadway Cross Sections 596.3 KB
16-C-112_Road Replacement Profiles 499.1 KB
17-C-113_Quiet Lane Improvement Plan and Profile 1.5 MB
18-C-114_Quiet Drive Improvement Plan and Profile 1.7 MB
19-C-115_Village Park Lane Improvement Plan 1.9 MB
20-C-116_Driveway Improvement Plans 1600 Series 2.4 MB
21-C-117_Driveway Improvement Plans 1800 and 1900 Series 2.8 MB
22-C-118_West Walking Path and Sidewalk Improvement Plan 2.6 MB
23-C-119_East Walking Path and Sidewalk Improvement Plan 2.6 MB
24-C-120_West and East Walking Path Profiles 594.8 KB
25-C-121_Entrance Wall Rehabilitation Alt 1 and 2 3.3 MB
26-C-501_Entrance Wall Photographs and Details 2.6 MB
27-C-502_Typical Pavement Markings and Wheel Stop and Speed Tables Details 680.5 KB
28-C-503_Erosion Control and Pavement Sections and Sidewalk Details 900.0 KB