O1921-01 BAS Replacement-Jennings State Office Building

The project includes the replacement of the building automation system front end, two rooftop air handling unit controllers, and variable air volume box controllers & actuators.
Issued for Bid (click to expand/collapse)
Name Date Size
00-Full PDF of Plans 10/21/2020 3.1 MB
01-G-001_Cover Sheet 10/21/2020 536.2 KB
02-G-002_Basement Floor Demo Plan 10/21/2020 869.4 KB
03-M-101_First Floor Plan 10/21/2020 738.7 KB
04-M-102_Second Floor Plan 10/21/2020 714.1 KB
05-M-103_Roof Plan 10/21/2020 518.8 KB
06-M-601_Schedules and Diagrams 10/21/2020 578.9 KB
07-M-602_Schedules 10/21/2020 875.9 KB