O2015-01 Repair Building Exterior-Howerton State Office Building

The project consists of removal of exterior finish material, sheathing, & windows and installation of new glass mat sheathing, Exterior Insulation Finish System with Moisture Drainage System and windows.
Specifications (click to expand/collapse)
Name Date Size
01-Full Spec 6/9/2022 2.9 MB
02-Division 00 6/9/2022 2.3 MB
03-Division 01 6/9/2022 302.4 KB
04-Division 02 6/9/2022 20.7 KB
05-Division 06 6/9/2022 33.8 KB
06-Division 07 6/9/2022 125.8 KB
07-Division 08 6/9/2022 44.1 KB
08-Division 10 6/9/2022 18.5 KB
09-Division 32 6/9/2022 32.3 KB